Prescribing Movement
A very short, but good quality conversation at the end of a consultation is incredibly effective in changing people’s levels of physical activity. This toolkit gives you everything you need for a 1 minute, 5 minute and even more minute conversation, complete with step-by-step guides, behavioural change insights and all the evidence to back it up.
Making Every Contact Count (MECC)
This is a simple but flexible online tool that has been carefully designed to support an approach to positive behaviour change called 'Making Every Contact Count' (MECC).
Stroke prevention resources for professionals from the Stroke Association.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) Prevention
CVD prevention resources for professionals from the Royal College of Nursing.
PHE Health Matters Preventing CVD Guidance 2019.
National Ambitions for CVD prevention.
Atrial Fibrillation
The Pan London AF Toolkit which contains useful information about projects that have worked across the country.
AF Budget Impact Model (for use by CCGs, to look at costs and cost savings for different options for AF and stroke prevention).
The AHSN has a quality improvement programme for GP practices around the detection and protection of patients with AF.
The Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) Implementation Guide from PHE.
Diabetes Resources
There is some useful information on diabetes prevention, here.
Public Health England (PHE) Health Matters updates
Facts, resources and information on major public health issues for professionals from PHE.
Access the All Our Health e-learning sessions.
Access all PHE campaign resources.
British Heart Foundation
Facts, resources and useful information can be found here.
Tobacco Dependency
National centre for smoking cessation and training can be found here.